Thursday, March 20, 2008

Beer Pong -Life just got more bizarre

This Day-

I found out that I have a life, but it is getting weirder by the day.

This poor Soul spends all his time doing this.
It is amazing but, Why??
Hey, Buddy get a Life!!!!
Stop playing with your Little Balls.


The Hitch said...

sad thing is
If he devoted those hand eye co ordination skills to darts, snooker or even cricket he could make a fortune, as it is he's just some geek on youtube.
(am I allowed to used the word wanker here?)

The Old Tarf said...

Hitch- as this is your blog as well for dissertations. I think you can rant or say what ever you want.

It is too bad the geek doesn't have a life outside of plastic glasses and water. What is really sad, he doesn't even use beer.

Daisy said...

i thought it was normal for men to play with their balls all day? they are always touching them for some reason or another...anything you guys want to tell us about 'em...

The Old Tarf said...

Daisy- I am not that touchy feely.

Daisy said...

that is good to know old tarf..most of the time i get the feeling they don't even realize they are doing just comes naturally and they don't stop the instinct ...

The Old Tarf said...

Daisy- I had to wear mittens though to break the habit.

Anonymous said...

I am with Hitchy on this very clever - but fundamentally pointless.

Mermaid of Moorgate said...

oh my word. This is so sad. Cool, but sad. He should be making money out of this rather than dumbass videos!

Electro-Kevin said...

...and who's worse for not making money ? Him doing this ... or us watching him do this ?


The Old Tarf said...

Multey- Pointless and yet compelling.

Merms- But we are watching his dumb Ass video.

EK- if he was making money. He wouldn't be doing this and we be trashing someone else. IMHO