Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A pill a day, keeps the doctor in pay

Pill Popping Thirty Somethings

Hola all and sundry! I hope that you are well and have had a wonderful Christmas!

I've just calculated that in the past three months, I have probably taken enough pills to get me put into the Priory, if I were wealthy enough for such a luxury holiday with various celebs.

I've ingested:
Anadin extra
Nurofen Express
Vicks day medication
Sudafed night medication

I've snorted:
Vicks First Defence
Vicks tubes
Vicks Vaporub (think there is a pattern emerging here)

I've injected
Something weird, a clear unctuous medication which was to line my stomach

And I've rubbed on
Vicks vaporub
Some herbal crap to cure headaches.

I think, on reflection, it would have been cheaper to buy a bottle of brandy and some smokes, for all the good all this has done me.
