Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A pill a day, keeps the doctor in pay

Pill Popping Thirty Somethings

Hola all and sundry! I hope that you are well and have had a wonderful Christmas!

I've just calculated that in the past three months, I have probably taken enough pills to get me put into the Priory, if I were wealthy enough for such a luxury holiday with various celebs.

I've ingested:
Anadin extra
Nurofen Express
Vicks day medication
Sudafed night medication

I've snorted:
Vicks First Defence
Vicks tubes
Vicks Vaporub (think there is a pattern emerging here)

I've injected
Something weird, a clear unctuous medication which was to line my stomach

And I've rubbed on
Vicks vaporub
Some herbal crap to cure headaches.

I think, on reflection, it would have been cheaper to buy a bottle of brandy and some smokes, for all the good all this has done me.



Daisy said...

my dad used to make us drink an 8oz glass of blackberry brandy when ill...he said it was a cureall...it would knock us out for 12 hours easy and by the time we woke...we were cured...amazing stuff! but i think it only worked cause it knocked us out and we weren't coughing and hacking all day just resting...

The Old Tarf said...

I agree there is some pattern here. Especially with the Vicks. Well my little Mermaid have a great New Years.

Here In NS another blooming snow storm for finishing off this year and welcoming in the next.

Electro-Kevin said...

Hi, Ingsoc.

Or should that be ...

High Ingsoc ?


Romeo Morningwood said...

Hunter S Thompson swore by his favorite cure-all remedy..
Scotch & Nyquil.
Worth a try?

Mermaid of Moorgate said...

Hey Daisy - I've also discovered the healing powers of chocolate!

EK - Why Hi Ingsoc? I understand the joke, but who's ingsoc?

Daddy - thanks :) Mermins is feeling much better but in the past week I've eaten three pounds of chocolates... eeek!!

Donn - nice to meet you, thanks for dropping by - and for the hint. Would single malt work?