Monday, June 2, 2008

Pictures of the Trip to British Columbia

This is a picture of Lake Harrison at Harrison Hot Springs in British Columbia. Click on the link and it will take you to our web page for pictures of the Trip.


Daisy said...

oh how very lovely...i can almost imagine myself there with a cool breeze blowing and not being able to read the book i brought because it is too beautiful to miss the scenery...

am i close?

Unknown said...

Are you sure it's not the World Champ emerging from a good soak in the claw-foot tub?

The Old Tarf said...

hey daisy, I quite agree it is a beautiful location. will be getting the web page up soon for all to enjoy.

World champ- I didn't see you there but I didn't have my microscope either.

Daisy said...

excellent pics on the site...thank you so much for sharing!!!!

drevetailimin said...

World champ
Can I be your agent?
There has to be a market for a carefully shaven chimpanzee who can operate a computer, although you will have to drop the lycra look, its so Bon Jovi and 1980's

The Old Tarf said...

Daisy-Your welcome.

Beast of Clerkenwell-Thank you for the visit.