Saturday, August 16, 2008


Well so what?

Over the last five years I lost my 'place on the housing ladder' - more than 50,000 pounds on a failed business and my marriage of seventeen years yet there is still worse things can happen. Living alone now in a rented furnished place with a sea view - barely two rooms I also run an allotment for which it is my habit to collect recycling stuff for the compost bins. One day a few months back I noticed that this separate rubbish bag was a bit smelly and grotty and hadn't been emptied in a while. So I just stuck the lot in the normal rubbish and left it to go to the collection. Not very green but practical. The next morning I took that out for collection and went to work. In the evening I cam home and fed the dog, to my horror beneath his bowl I found dozens of squirming maggots. Feverishly and hair standing on end I collected them up, but beneath everything there was more . Under the sofa, the rugs, in the bottom of the curtains, in the newspapers under the X-box and the computer. I was in a kind of fugue hoovering them up. Then I had to empty the hoover bag. Wriggling and squirming they were digging into the carpet and had spread into the hall - under the doors, beneath the bookcase, the TV and the cooker... I have a skin crawling horror of these insects. Not a phobia just a principled dislike.

The more I cleaned the more I found even into the bathroom and the stair well. Each new discovery reawakening the horror of it all.

I can only say that I was very unused to looking after myself. I didnt know how to properly keep things clean and wholesome and I had no idea that a maggot infestation could spread so far and with such speed.

Guess what?

I am still alive and OK. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
I can manage.
I am a rock . I am an island.


Daisy said...

bleach my friend...i have been in several homes with maggot infestations and they are nasty little buggers...bleach seems to kill and keep them away...the thing about them is they will eventually turn to flies so you want to get them all and put them in plastic bags and out of the apartment, or a much as possible...they can be swept up pretty easy...and just so you know this is a popular time for just had a few things run a muck darling...don't fret...btw maggots are actually very clean and used in hospitals on burn units to clean dead skin away so don't be too freaked, it could be worse...

Trubes said...

Oh poor Mutley, I too have revulsion of maggoty creatures, so you are very brave indeed to deal with that lot. Yuk!
You do seem to have had a rough time recently so believe me when say, 'I've been there', is an understatement!
There will be a pot of gold for you, one day soon, at the end of your very, very own, special rainbow...honestly... Auntie Trubes has 'spoke'.
My 'girls' tell me I'm a White Witch and pretty good at'spellin',
So, look out for that special rainbow dear Mutley!

The Old Tarf said...

Well Old Friend- I cannot even fathom what you went through. It must have been H--- on earth for you.

I do know how difficult things can be when your world is turned upside down and everything seems to turn against you and bites you in the ass.

Esp. when kids are involved. You are a very strong person and have a lot to offer. I can tell you have a great love for your daughter. Guilt can be a real downer and one has to find an equilibration a balance . It is Ok to start from the bottom as one has no where else to go. I have been there on more than one occasion. you are definitely on the way up and getting stronger and I believe you can also see a real difference in your own life.

I can see in your writing and your sense of humour.

How I hate the American spelling on this computer as it bothers me to see the words spelled so wrong. The word Humour for instance instead of Humor. Well Mutley- I hope you keep on trucking.

Your friend from Nova Scotia. Cheers Mate.

Anonymous said...

Yes, maggots freak me out too. I remember finding some in the cat food once and I was paranoid about them for ages afterwards - kept seeing things wriggling even when they were not!

I do know that rock bottom place - but there's only way to go from that and the higher you climb the easier it gets. Not that I would have believed anyone who had told me that when I was there - I would just have scowled at them! So scowl away.

But you have a lot of good friends here - who all care and you talk about stuff whereas I never did. I do now, but I didn't then.

Hope things get better for you soon.

Anonymous said...

I do talk a lot don't I? I find a lot of comfort in blogging. Its diverting, cheap and have made a lot of friends...

Trubes said...

Mutters my Darling:

Look how you've stired up all our hearts;

I love your slant on life, and that 'chuffing' Great Rainbow is not too far away.

Believe me when I say ' Mama Mia Trubes',knows best!

Di. xxxx

Unknown said...

You may seek refuge in my beard. It is s fortress deep and mighty, that none may penetrate.

Unknown said...

Dearest Daisy,
Do you believe that JESUS CHRIST, DIED ON A CROSS, for your sins?


Daisy said...

no patrick...i don't believe in god...therefore if you are of god...i don't believe in you...

Anonymous said...

Oh dear. I seem to have killed this blog with me maggot infestation... cant someone move it a long please... ? Please?

Unknown said...

The truth will set you free. Unless Stephen Neal has you, in which case, forget it buddy!

TabbyT said...

Oh my god!!! I wold have set fire to my house and gone to a hotel!